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Last week to reach 18 in 28!

by Monica Marczuk |

Hey Cyclone fam,


Our 18 in 28 day challenge is almost done! You have 1 week to go to hit that target. We’re so proud of your efforts and love seeing you get into it with us.


Reminder we are at 65% capacity with 19 bikes in the room now. We are hoping to move up to 85% soon, so let us know how you’re feeling and your comfort with more bikes in the room. We would love to hear from you.


Showers are now open! They are fully equipped with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. However, we will not be bringing back towel service for showers so make sure to bring your own if you plan to shower in studio after class!


One step closer to normalcy.


We hope everyone had a restful long weekend and is ready and energized to ride. See you on those bikes.